
Entering scheduled transactions

Entering a scheduled transaction means actually entering a transaction into the appropriate ledger, using the details specified in the schedule. Scheduled transactions can be entered in one of four different ways:

Manually entering scheduled transactions

You can enter a scheduled transaction manually by right clicking on the list entry and selecting Enter from the popup menu or by clicking on the Enter button on the popup window in the calendar view.

Confirming the transaction to enter

After selecting either method the Enter Scheduled Transaction dialog window is shown prompting you with the required information that was entered when you created the schedule.

This information can be changed, and the changes can be applied to just this one instance of the schedule or to all subsequent transactions. After checking that all the data is correct clicking on OK will add the transaction to the ledger and update the next due date of the schedule to the next occurence. If you have changed any of the transaction data a further confirmation of what you changed will be displayed, giving you a final chance to accept or reject the changes.

Select what you want to do with the information presented and click OK or Cancel.

Letting KMyMoney enter the scheduled transaction(s) for you

Alternatively, KMyMoney can check which schedules are due upon startup and enter them for you if the appropriate option was checked when setting up the schedule.

If the option was not checked then KMyMoney will open the previously mentioned dialog and you can follow the steps mentioned there. KMyMoney will also open the dialog if the amount is an estimate so you can enter the real amount.

You can also opt to have KMyMoney not check which transactions are scheduled on startup by deselecting the option in the Settings dialog and any overdue transaction or transactions due 'today' will be shown in the Home view for you to enter manually.