
Your budgets

You can access your budgets by clicking the appropriate icon in the navigation pane at the left hand side of your KMyMoney window.

Creating, changing, and deleting budgets

This section of the Budgets window displays the list of Budgets contained in the current file. If no Budget has yet been created the list will display a single empty Budget called "Budget <year>" where <year> is the current fiscal year. The list of Budgets has two columns:


Name of the Budget


Fiscal year of the Budget

Values from the selected Budget are displayed to the right. To select a different Budget you can click on the Budget in the list. Alternatively, when the list has focus, you can select a different Budget using the up and down keys. If you have made changes to a Budget and then select a different budget KMyMoney will ask you whether you want to discard the changes.

There are five buttons above the list of Budgets.


Create a new budget


Edit the name of the selected Budget.

You can also edit the name of a Budget by clicking on the name of the selected Budget or double-clicking on the name of a different Budget.


Delete the selected Budget


Reverts the selected Budget to its last stored state.


Accepts any unsaved changes to the selected Budget and stores them.

Additional options are available on a menu accessed by right-clicking on a Budget.

New Budget

Create a new, blank Budget.

Rename Budget

Rename the selected Budget.

Change budget year

Displays a window with a list of years to select a different budget year.

Delete budget

Delete the selected Budget.

Copy budget

Creates a copy of the selected Budget. The new Budget has the name "Copy of <budget>", where <budget> is the name of the copied Budget.

Account List

The Account List displays the list of Income and Expense Categories. As in other places in KMyMoney the list is organized in a tree structure. The list can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide Subcategories within a Category. The Account List has a number of columns:


Account name


Account Type (Income or Expense)


Checked if a Category included in Tax Reports


Checked if a Category marked as a VAT Category


Current balance of Account. Blank for Categories


Total yearly value in the Budget. If an Account has Subaccounts and the Account's list of Subaccounts is collapsed the value displayed is the sum of the values for the Account and all of its Subaccounts.

The Account List can be filtered using "Hide unused Categories". In Budgets this hides any Categories for which no value has been assigned to the Category or any of its Subcategories.


The Assignments area shows the value for the selected Account.


Displays the name of the selected Account. If the Account is a Subaccount, the full name of the selected Account is displayed in the Account:Subaccount format.


Displays the total yearly value assigned to the Account

Include subaccounts

In Reports show actual income or expenses in Subcategories belonging to the Category against the Category instead of the Subcategory.

If a Subcategory has a value defined in the Budget the income and expenses are shown against the Subcategory.


The Clear button resets the budgeted account value or values to zero.


The Period radio buttons allow you to select the period for which the value applies


A single value is entered, specifying the amount per month. This is the default setting.


A single value is entered, specifying the amount per year.


Values are specified for each Calendar month. This is used where expense or income is spread irregularly through the year.

If a value is or values are already specified and the Period is changed KMyMoney will ask whether to use the current total yearly value to assign the new values.

Update and Revert

For performance reasons, changes made to a Budget are not saved immediately. Instead, they first have to be stored using the Update button and then permanently saved using the KMyMoney Save.

When a Budget's values are first modified, the Update and Revert buttons are enabled. Multiple changes can be made to the Budget. Pressing Update will store the changes, disable the Update and Revert buttons and enable the KMyMoney Save.

The KMyMoney Save only saves changes that have been stored using the Update button. Thus, if you have modified a Budget but not yet stored the changes KMyMoney Save will not affect the modified Budget and the Update and Revert buttons remain enabled.

Revert undoes any changes made to a Budget since the last Update and disables the Update and Revert buttons.

Changes stored using Update but not yet saved using KMyMoney Save can only be reverted by reloading the KMyMoney file.